Emailing/Skyping Africa: New Technologies and Communication Gaps in Contemporary African Women’s Fiction


  • Anna-Leena Toivanen University of Eastern Finland


African literatures, communication technology, cosmopolitanism, globalization, mobility


Mobility marks the fields of contemporary African and African diasporic literatures in a profound way. In the study of postcolonial literatures, mobility is most often understood in terms of physical human travel that is embodied in the paradigmatized figure of the migrant. Yet, mobility is a concept whose meaning cannot be reduced to migrancy or physical travel in general. In the era of globalization, the world beyond the local becomes accessible through imaginative, virtual, and communicative forms of travel. The present article adopts a wider understanding of mobility by focusing on its communicative dimensions in its analysis of the ways in which Liss Kihindou, NoViolet Bulawayo, Véronique Tadjo, and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie address it on the thematic and aesthetic axes in their novels. The recurring trope of communication gap attests that while the geographical distance caused by human travel can often be surmounted with the help of communication technologies, the relations between those who leave and those who stay behind are marked by a schism that translates into an emotional, epistemic and cultural distance that may be much harder to reconcile.

Author Biography

Anna-Leena Toivanen, University of Eastern Finland

Dr. Anna-Leena Toivanen works as a posdoctoral research fellow at the University of Eastern Finland. Her research interests include mobilities and cosmopolitanism in contemporary African and African diasporic literatures. Her articles have appeared in such publications as Journal of Postcolonial Writing, ARIEL, International Journal of Francophone Studies and Research in African Literatures.

