Response to Umunç and Raw
Don Randall has recently retired from Bilkent University, in Ankara, Turkey, where he taught in the Department of English Language and Literature. He began his Bilkent career as Assistant Professor in the fall of 1999. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2002. Previous to taking up his Bilkent position, he had held the postdoctoral fellowship of the Calgary Institute for the Humanities and subsequently the SSHRCC postdoctoral fellowship (at Queen's University, Kingston). He received his doctoral degree from the University of Alberta in 1995. In the course of his career, he published numerous articles in journals of international stature in the area of colonial and postcolonial literatures--the first of these with ARIEL in 1996. His first book was on Rudyard Kipling (Palgrave, 2001); his second on David Malouf (Manchester UP, 2007).
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