Feedback vertex number of Sierpi\'{n}ski-type graphs
Sierpi\'{n}ski triangle, Sierpi\'{n}ski graphs, Sierpi\'{n}ski-like graphs, Feedback vertex numberAbstract
The feedback vertex number $\tau(G)$ of a graph $G$ is the minimum number of vertices that can be deleted from $G$ such that the resultant graph does not contain a cycle. We show that $\tau(S_p^n)=p^{n-1}(p-2)$ for the Sierpi\'{n}ski graph $S_p^n$ with $p\geq 2$ and $n\geq 1$. The generalized Sierpi\'{n}ski triangle graph $\hat{S_p^n}$ is obtained by contracting all non-clique edges from the Sierpi\'{n}ski graph $S_p^{n+1}$. We prove that $\tau(\hat{S}_3^n)=\frac {3^n+1} 2=\frac{|V(\hat{S}_3^n)|} 3$, and give an upper bound for $\tau(\hat{S}_p^n)$ for the case when $p\geq 4$.References
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