Hamilton cycles in bidirected complete graphs


  • Arthur Busch University of Dayton
  • Mohammed Mutar University of Al Qadisiyah
  • Daniel Slilaty Department of Mathematics and Statistics Wright State University Dayton, Ohio, USA


Bidirected Graph, Bidirection, Hamilton Cycle, Tournament


Zaslavsky observed that the topics of directed cycles in directed graphs and alternating cycles in edge 2-colored graphs have a common generalization in the study of coherent cycles in bidirected graphs. There are classical theorems by Camion, Harary and Moser, Häggkvist and Manoussakis, and Saad which relate strong connectivity and Hamiltonicity in directed "complete" graphs and edge 2-colored "complete" graphs. We prove two analogues to these theorems for bidirected "complete" signed graphs.


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YEAR = {1959},
PAGES = {2151--2152},
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AUTHOR = {Meijer, Henk and N\'u\~nez-Rodr\'\i guez, Yurai and Rappaport, David},
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@article {HararyMoser,
AUTHOR = {Harary, Frank and Moser, Leo},
TITLE = {The theory of round robin tournaments},
JOURNAL = {Amer. Math. Monthly},
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VOLUME = {73},
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URL = {https://doi-org.ezproxy.libraries.wright.edu/10.2307/2315334},

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URL = {https://doi-org.ezproxy.libraries.wright.edu/10.2307/2303897},

@article {Zaslavsky:SignedGraphs,
AUTHOR = {Zaslavsky, Thomas},
TITLE = {Signed graphs},
JOURNAL = {Discrete Appl. Math.},
FJOURNAL = {Discrete Applied Mathematics},
VOLUME = {4},
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URL = {https://doi-org.ezproxy.libraries.wright.edu/10.1016/0166-218X(82)90033-6},

@article {Zaslavsky:Bibliography,
AUTHOR = {Zaslavsky, Thomas},
TITLE = {A mathematical bibliography of signed and gain graphs and
allied areas},
NOTE = {Manuscript prepared with Marge Pratt},
JOURNAL = {Electron. J. Combin.},
FJOURNAL = {Electronic Journal of Combinatorics},
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URL = {http://www.combinatorics.org/Surveys/index.html},





