An Explanatory Model of Teacher Movement Within Ontario School Boards


  • Timothy Sibbald Schulich School of Education, Nipissing University

Mots-clés :

Teacher mobility, Teacher movement, teacher transfer


Teacher movement within school boards was examined using a qualitative methodology. Emergent themes were found to be consistent with the research literature and the addition of two themes achieved theoretical saturation. In this paper, the themes and relationships between the themes are examined in terms of developing a substantive theoretical model of teacher movement within school boards. However, it is found that a two-phase chronology of events was necessary for the model development. The two phases are the shortterm chronology of transfer events and the other is a longterm chronology of lifestyle over a career. The model that emerged is consistent with all findings in the qualitative study and concordant with findings by other researchers.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Timothy Sibbald, Schulich School of Education, Nipissing University

Dr. Sibbald is an assistant professor with a focus on mathematics education and teacher development at the Schulich School of Education at Nipissing University.


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