Publications for the week of March 9th, 2020


More details on these are provided below:

Correia and team, in “Fostering intergenerational education: an experiential learning program for medical students and older adults”, described an intergenerational learning opportunity for medical students to participate in the “Make a New Old Friend” program. While the program intended to help medical students develop the skills to care for the elderly, it was mutually beneficial for both the students and the older adults.

In “Resident perceptions of Competency-Based Medical Education”, Mann and team interviewed residents who were not enrolled in a competency-based program to see what they perceived as advantages and disadvantages of CBME. They concluded that anticipating residents’ expectations and perceived disadvantages would allow for training programs to be better equipped for a more successful transition to CBME.

In “Does Emotional Intelligence at Medical School Admission Predict Future Licensing Examination Performance?”, Wood and team looked at emotional intelligence (EI) scores as alternatives to traditional academic measures when selecting students for medical school. They studied whether there are correlations between EI scores and tests administered during admissions and medical school. Due to the low correlation between EI scores and licensure scores, they cautioned against using them as part of the admissions process.

Logan and her team in “Creating Space for Indigenous Healing Practices in Patient Care Plans” surveyed the Canadian Rheumatology Association membership to assess awareness and promote inclusion of Indigenous healing practices in patient care plans. Though the respondents were open to the idea of inclusion, they also had concerns. For Logan and team, this was an indication that there is a need for further learning and reconciliation in medicine.

MacLean and her team in “A pilot study of a longitudinal mindfulness curriculum in undergraduate medical education” described a pilot mindfulness curriculum and the results of their three-year study. They found that because mindfulness scores correlated positively with those of empathy and resilience and negatively with perceived stress; further study on this topic is needed.

In “The Women in Medicine Summit (WiMS): Engaging students to identify and address gender-associated challenges in medicine” Jung and co-authors described a new student-led medical conference (WiMS) that was aimed at discussing gender-distinctive challenges in medicine. They reported positive feedback from the WiMs attendees. They concluded that other medical schools could benefit from similar curricular initiatives.