Stethopedia: an e-learning resource for medical students to supplement Canadian clinical skills education


  • Randi Q Mao McMaster University
  • Gurinder Sandhu McMaster University
  • Sophia Kerzner McMaster University
  • Shreyas Sreeraman McMaster University
  • Janhavi Nikhil Patel McMaster University
  • Eva Yiguan Liu McMaster University
  • Chad B Singh McMaster University
  • Jason Profetto McMaster University



Implication Statement

Online clinical skills videos can supplement teaching and allow for greater flexibility when learning physical examination skills. There are currently few open access clinical skills video resources available for Canadian medical students. Stethopedia is an easy-to-use, open-access library of clinical skills teaching videos based on the Canadian medical curriculum. We created Stethopedia to increase accessibility to clinical skills resources and improve the competency and confidence of medical students performing clinical skills on examinations and clerkship rotations. Medical students would benefit from similar resources based on their school’s specific curriculum in order to improve clinical skill performance.


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Author Biographies

Randi Q Mao, McMaster University

Randi Mao is a 2nd year medical student at McMaster University. She has special interests in medical education. She also sits on the McMaster Clinical Skills Committee.

Gurinder Sandhu, McMaster University

Gurinder Sandhu is a 2nd year medical student at McMaster University. He has special interests in medical education.

Sophia Kerzner, McMaster University

Sophia Kerzner is a 2nd year medical student at McMaster University. She has special interests in medical education. She sits on the McMaster Clinical Skills Committee.

Shreyas Sreeraman, McMaster University

Shreyas Sreeraman is a 2nd year medical student at McMaster University. He has special interests in medical education. He sits on the McMaster Clinical Skills Committee.

Janhavi Nikhil Patel, McMaster University

Janhavi Patel is a 2nd year medical student at McMaster University. She has special interests in medical education. She sits on the McMaster Clinical Skills Committee.

Eva Yiguan Liu, McMaster University

Eva Liu is a 2nd year medical student at McMaster University. She has special interests in medical education.

Chad B Singh, McMaster University

Dr. Chad Singh is a 3rd year emergency medicine resident at McMaster University. He has special interests in medical education. He has been a clinical skills preceptor for many years.

Jason Profetto, McMaster University

Dr. Jason Profetto is an Assistant Clinical Professor of family medicine at McMaster University. He serves as the Chair of Clinical Skills and is a teacher of all levels of medical students.




How to Cite

Mao RQ, Sandhu G, Kerzner S, Sreeraman S, Patel JN, Liu EY, Singh CB, Profetto J. Stethopedia: an e-learning resource for medical students to supplement Canadian clinical skills education. Can. Med. Ed. J [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];12(6):117-9. Available from:



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