The Power of Daily Math Lessons Online


  • Randall White University of Saskatchewan


Success inspires students to continue to do well and apply themselves with their schoolwork. Success at school often transitions into everyday life attainments. It encourages them to aim high in sports, work and relationships. Hence, being successful in school will lead to success in many aspects of one’s life.

Introducing many topics in senior academic courses at the high school level requires the majority of class time.  Students then return home to explore that concept alone, yet, they require extra assistance and support to be successful is often necessary.  Struggling with difficult concepts is frustrating for students and can be very exhausting on teachers, with a stream of students entering into their classrooms for extra support, especially as it often occurs before school, lunchtime or after school.  Furthermore, valuable class time is often committed to reviewing a challenging concept or topic to ensure student understanding.  Thus, great stress exists upon teachers and students, with large curriculums to cover.  Teachers are required to cover a vast list of topics within their curriculum pressuring teachers to cover a vast list of topics and often rush through a concept potentially causing students to become confused, frustrated, or disheartened.

This project explored if posting daily Math lessons online, in pdf form and as a video, will aid in providing clarity for students, encourage an improvement in students understanding and engagement while reducing teacher workload outside of the scheduled timetable.

