"Isn't All of Oncology Hermeneutic?"


  • Nancy J Moules University of Calgary
  • David W Jardine University of Calgary
  • Graham P McCaffrey University of Calgary
  • Christopher B Brown University of Calgary




childhood cancer, Gadamer, hermeneutics, pediatric oncology, Robert Buckman


In this paper, we describe an event during a pediatric oncology research meeting that prompted the discussion of the ways in which hermeneutics brings a different kind of understanding to both research and practice. We claim that oncology is the practical science of handling natural science research and as such practice in oncology is deeply hermeneutic in character in its recognition of the importance, vitality, and generativity of the “individual case†even in the face of amassed, verified, and aggregate knowledge that is given from the natural science research. Oncology is always contingent, next case handling, and is not identifiable simply as something determined and guided by natural sciences alone. In the face of this, we propose that there is an obvious, profound, and natural fit of hermeneutic research in understanding the lives, relationships, suffering, and experiences that are affected by cancer.



childhood cancer, Gadamer, hermeneutics, pediatric oncology, Robert Buckman



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