The Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery. Part Two: Cells of Categorical Confinement


  • W. John Williamson University of Calgary



hermeneutics, education, slow learners, psychology, diploma exams, disability history


This follows the events described in Part One of this narrative. Max Hunter, a West Coast private detective, still conducting an investigation to find the educational category of slow learners at the behest of his client John Williamson, meets his client to discuss the next steps in the investigation. Max engages in some incognito detective work in educational settings and then encounters an injurious interruption to his casework. He then resumes his work, now as a wounded operative, by investigating the history of disability categorization with the help of two prominent critical theorists.


Author Biography

W. John Williamson, University of Calgary

PHD Interpretive studies in Education, University of Calgary. Diverse Learning Coordinating Teacher St. Anne Academic Centre.Alt+MAlt+N


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