The Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery. Part Four: Quaint Notions of Justice
Slow learners, competition, labelling, Heidegger, Gadamer, hermeneutics, inclusionAbstract
These chapters follow the events described in Parts One to Three of this narrative. Max Hunter, a private detective, is still on the trail of “slow learners,” a category of students his client, educator John Williamson, claims are continually getting “lost” in Alberta’s school system. Max encounters philosophers, fellow educators, and even students labeled as slow learners, all of whom have suggestions for finding these students in ways that attend to them as learners while resisting the rigidity of their labelling. He also encounters an agent of a sinister operation who works to ensure that slow learners stay lost, and who intends to make Max disappear too.
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Alberta Education. (2012). Special education coding criteria. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2010a). Pathways to possibilities: The revised career and technology studies program. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2010b). Moving toward an inclusive education system in Alberta. Retrieved from (no longer live).
Alberta Education. (2010c). Making a difference: Meeting diverse needs with differentiated instruction. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2009a). Inspiring education: A dialogue with Albertans. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
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Alberta Education. (2008). Report on severe disabilities profile review. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2004a). Report on consultation for policy change. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2004b). The journey: A handbook for parents of children who are gifted and talented. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
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Caputo, J.D. (2013). Truth: Philosophy in transit. London, UK: Penguin.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. (n.d.). FAQs: What is the Cargenie Unit? Retrieved from
Central Alberta Regional Consortium. (2010). Regional curriculum implementation report 2009 – 2010. (Grant 2008-0653). Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Chandler, R. (1940). Farewell my lovely. New York, NY: Ballantine.
Costa, A.L., & Kallick, B. (2008). Learning and leading with habits of mind: 16 essential characteristics for success. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Davey, N. P. (2006). Unquiet understanding: Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. Albany, NY: SUNY.
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Gadamer, H-G. (1992c). Notes on planning for the future. In D.Misgeld & G. Nicholson (Eds. & Trans.), Hans-Georg Gadamer on education, poetry, and history: Applied hermeneutics (pp.165 – 180). Albany, NY: SUNY.
Gadamer, H-G. (1996). The enigma of health: The art of healing in a scientific age (J.Gainer & N.Walker, Trans.). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Gadamer, H-G. (1992a). The idea of the university--Yesterday, today, tomorrow. In D. Misgeld & G. Nicholson (Eds. & Trans.), Hans-Georg Gadamer on education, poetry, and history: Applied hermeneutics (pp.47-62). Albany, NY: SUNY.
Gadamer, H-G. (1992b). The limitations of the expert. In D.Misgeld & G. Nicholson (Eds. & Trans.), Hans-Georg Gadamer on education, poetry, and history: Applied hermeneutics (pp.181-192). Albany, NY: SUNY.
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Edmonton, AB, Canada: Crown in Right of Alberta.
Graham, L.J., & M. Jahnukainen. (2011). Wherefore art thou, inclusion? Analysing the development of inclusive education in New South Wales, Alberta and Finland. Journal of Educational Policy, 26(2), 263–288.
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Heidegger, M. (1978a). On the origin of the work of art (F.A. Capuzzi, Trans.) In D.F. Krell (Ed.), Martin Heidegger: Basic writings from Being and Time to the task of thinking (pp.143-212). London, UK: Routledge.
Heidegger, M. (1978b). The question concerning technology (F.A. Capuzzi, Trans.). In D.F. Krell (Ed.), Martin Heidegger: Basic writings from Being and Time to the task of thinking (pp. 308-341) London, UK: Routledge.
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Heidegger, M. (1968). What is called thinking? (J. G. Gray, Trans.). New York, NY: Harper Colophon.
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Korsgard, C.M. (1986). The right to lie: Kant and dealing with evil. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 15(4), 325-349. Retrieved from
Mathew, N. (1984) Industrial education in Alberta: Its evolution and development. (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB, Canada.
McGinnis, S. (2010, February 17). Trade school may be shut. The Calgary Herald, p. C5.
Melnyk, T. (2012). The English 30-1 Diploma exam: Assessment practices and pedagogy (Unpublished master’s thesis) University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
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Ross, E. (1989, Feburary 20). Parents, students rap vocational plan. The Calgary Herald. p. B3.
Ruttan, S. (1992, October 2). Axe posed over vocational schools. The Calgary Herald, p. B1
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Stewart, M. (2004). The perils of testing. In M. Moll (Ed.), Passing the test: The false promises of standardized testing (pp 177-181). Ottawa, ON, Canada: The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Taylor, A., & Lehmann, W. (2002). “Reinventing'' vocational education policy: Pitfalls and possibilities. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 48(2), 139-161.
Tremain, S. (2008). Foucault, governmentality, and critical disability theory: An introduction. In S. Tremain (Ed.), Foucault and the government of disability (pp. 1-26). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
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Tulgan, B. (2009). Not everyone gets a trophy: How to manage Generation Y. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Weisstein, E.W. (n.d.) Young girl-old woman illusion. MathWorld –A Wolfram web resource. Retrieved from
Weinsheimer, J., & Marshall, D.G. (2004). Translators preface. In H-G. Gadamer, Truth and method (2nd rev. ed, J. Weinsheimer and D. G. Marshall, Trans, pp. xi-xix). New York, NY: Continuum.
Williamson, W.J. (2016a). The case of the disappearing/appearing slow learner: An interpretive mystery. Part two: Cells of categorical confinement. Journal of Applied Hermeneutics, Article 5. Retrieved from
Williamson, W.J. (2016b). The case of the disappearing/appearing slow learner: An interpretive mystery. Part one: A strange and earnest client. Journal of Applied Hermeneutics, Article 3. Retrieved from
Winzer, M.A., & K. Mazurek. (2011). International practices in special education: Debates and challenges. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Wrathall, M.A. (2011). Heidegger and unconcealment: Truth, language and history. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training. (2015). Trade entrance requirments. Retrieved from
Alberta Education. (2016a). Guide to education ECS to Grade 12 2015 – 2016. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2016b). Inclusive education. Retrieved Alberta Education (2016a), Guide to education ECS to Grade 12 2015 – 2016. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2013). Information manual for knowledge and employability courses. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2012). Government of Alberta – education – initiatives, projects and reviews – Inclusive education. Retrieved from (no longer live).
Alberta Education. (2012). Special education coding criteria. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2010a). Pathways to possibilities: The revised career and technology studies program. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2010b). Moving toward an inclusive education system in Alberta. Retrieved from (no longer live).
Alberta Education. (2010c). Making a difference: Meeting diverse needs with differentiated instruction. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2009a). Inspiring education: A dialogue with Albertans. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2009b). Setting the direction framework. Retrieved from (no longer live).
Alberta Education. (2008). Report on severe disabilities profile review. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2004a). Report on consultation for policy change. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (2004b). The journey: A handbook for parents of children who are gifted and talented. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Alberta Education. (1992). IOP occupational component 16–26–36. Edmonton, AB, Canada. Author.
Caputo, J.D. (2013). Truth: Philosophy in transit. London, UK: Penguin.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. (n.d.). FAQs: What is the Cargenie Unit? Retrieved from
Central Alberta Regional Consortium. (2010). Regional curriculum implementation report 2009 – 2010. (Grant 2008-0653). Edmonton, AB, Canada: Author.
Chandler, R. (1940). Farewell my lovely. New York, NY: Ballantine.
Costa, A.L., & Kallick, B. (2008). Learning and leading with habits of mind: 16 essential characteristics for success. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Davey, N. P. (2006). Unquiet understanding: Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. Albany, NY: SUNY.
Eidos84. (2011, July 11). Heidegger on Marx. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Gadamer, H-G. (1992c). Notes on planning for the future. In D.Misgeld & G. Nicholson (Eds. & Trans.), Hans-Georg Gadamer on education, poetry, and history: Applied hermeneutics (pp.165 – 180). Albany, NY: SUNY.
Gadamer, H-G. (1996). The enigma of health: The art of healing in a scientific age (J.Gainer & N.Walker, Trans.). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Gadamer, H-G. (1992a). The idea of the university--Yesterday, today, tomorrow. In D. Misgeld & G. Nicholson (Eds. & Trans.), Hans-Georg Gadamer on education, poetry, and history: Applied hermeneutics (pp.47-62). Albany, NY: SUNY.
Gadamer, H-G. (1992b). The limitations of the expert. In D.Misgeld & G. Nicholson (Eds. & Trans.), Hans-Georg Gadamer on education, poetry, and history: Applied hermeneutics (pp.181-192). Albany, NY: SUNY.
Gadamer, H-G. (1989). Truth and method (J.Weinsheimer, & D.G. Marshall, Trans.) London, UK: Continuum.
Gilham, C., & Williamson, W. J. (2013). Inclusion's confusion in Alberta. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 18(6), 553-566. doi: 10.1080/13603116.2013.802025.
Government of Alberta. (2011). Funding manual for school authorities 2011/2012 school year.
Edmonton, AB, Canada: Crown in Right of Alberta.
Graham, L.J., & M. Jahnukainen. (2011). Wherefore art thou, inclusion? Analysing the development of inclusive education in New South Wales, Alberta and Finland. Journal of Educational Policy, 26(2), 263–288.
Graham, C., & Neu, D. (2009). Standardized testing and the construction of
governable persons. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 36(3), 295-319.
Harrison, R. (2013, May 22). Thomas Sheehan on Heidegger and technology [Audiopodcast]. Retrieved from
Heidegger, M. (1962). Being and time (J. Macquarrie & E. Robinson, Trans.). New York, NY: Harper Collins.
Heidegger, M. (1978c). Letter on humanism (F.A. Capuzzi, Trans.) In D.F. Krell (Ed.), Martin Heidegger: Basic writings from Being and Time to the task of thinking (pp.139-212). London, UK: Routledge.
Heidegger, M. (1978a). On the origin of the work of art (F.A. Capuzzi, Trans.) In D.F. Krell (Ed.), Martin Heidegger: Basic writings from Being and Time to the task of thinking (pp.143-212). London, UK: Routledge.
Heidegger, M. (1978b). The question concerning technology (F.A. Capuzzi, Trans.). In D.F. Krell (Ed.), Martin Heidegger: Basic writings from Being and Time to the task of thinking (pp. 308-341) London, UK: Routledge.
Heidegger, M. (2001). What are poets for? In Poetry, language, thought (A. Hofstadter, Trans.). New York, NY: Harper Collins.
Heidegger, M. (1968). What is called thinking? (J. G. Gray, Trans.). New York, NY: Harper Colophon.
Illich, I. (1975. Limits to medicine. Medical nemesis: The expropriation of health. London, UK: Marion Boyars.
Korsgard, C.M. (1986). The right to lie: Kant and dealing with evil. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 15(4), 325-349. Retrieved from
Mathew, N. (1984) Industrial education in Alberta: Its evolution and development. (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB, Canada.
McGinnis, S. (2010, February 17). Trade school may be shut. The Calgary Herald, p. C5.
Melnyk, T. (2012). The English 30-1 Diploma exam: Assessment practices and pedagogy (Unpublished master’s thesis) University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Miller, D. (2003). Play. Dr. Anne Galloway. Retrieved from
Plato (n.d.). The Theaetetus ( B. Jowett, Trans.) Retrieved from
Rice, N. (2006). Teacher education as a site of resistance. In S. Danforth & S. L. Gabel (Eds.), Vital questions facing disability studies in education (pp. 17-32). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Rosenberg, R.S. (2013, April). Abnormal is the new normal: Why will half the U.S. population have a diagnosable mental disorder. Slate Magazine. Retrieved from
Ross, E. (1989, Feburary 20). Parents, students rap vocational plan. The Calgary Herald. p. B3.
Ruttan, S. (1992, October 2). Axe posed over vocational schools. The Calgary Herald, p. B1
Sears, E.P. (2010, March 15). Van Horne kids at risk to fall through the cracks. The Calgary Herald, p. A11.
Skytt, J. (2002, April 9). Government leaves IOP high and dry, ATA News 36 (17). Retrieved from In%20the%20News/Pages/Government%20leaves%20IOP%20high%20and%20dry.aspx.
Stewart, M. (2004). The perils of testing. In M. Moll (Ed.), Passing the test: The false promises of standardized testing (pp 177-181). Ottawa, ON, Canada: The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Taylor, A., & Lehmann, W. (2002). “Reinventing'' vocational education policy: Pitfalls and possibilities. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 48(2), 139-161.
Tremain, S. (2008). Foucault, governmentality, and critical disability theory: An introduction. In S. Tremain (Ed.), Foucault and the government of disability (pp. 1-26). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Trivia Dragnet (n.d.). In Internet movie data base. Retrieved from
Tulgan, B. (2009). Not everyone gets a trophy: How to manage Generation Y. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Weisstein, E.W. (n.d.) Young girl-old woman illusion. MathWorld –A Wolfram web resource. Retrieved from
Weinsheimer, J., & Marshall, D.G. (2004). Translators preface. In H-G. Gadamer, Truth and method (2nd rev. ed, J. Weinsheimer and D. G. Marshall, Trans, pp. xi-xix). New York, NY: Continuum.
Williamson, W.J. (2016a). The case of the disappearing/appearing slow learner: An interpretive mystery. Part two: Cells of categorical confinement. Journal of Applied Hermeneutics, Article 5. Retrieved from
Williamson, W.J. (2016b). The case of the disappearing/appearing slow learner: An interpretive mystery. Part one: A strange and earnest client. Journal of Applied Hermeneutics, Article 3. Retrieved from
Winzer, M.A., & K. Mazurek. (2011). International practices in special education: Debates and challenges. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Wrathall, M.A. (2011). Heidegger and unconcealment: Truth, language and history. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

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