A Philosophical Hermeneutic Study of the Interview between Minister Louis Farrakhan and Imam W. Deen Mohammed: Toward a Fusion of Horizons





Hans-Georg Gadamer, philosophical hermeneutics, fusion of horizons, interfaith dialogue, Nation of Islam


The philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer has broadened the scope and manner of hermeneutic inquiry. By focusing on aspects of Gadamer’s hermeneutics such as dialogue, the hermeneutic circle, play, openness, and the fusion of horizons, this study sought to apply Gadamer’s ideas to an historic interview that took place between two notable Islamic leaders, Minister Louis Farrakhan and Imam Warith Deen Mohammed. By analyzing the dialogue of the interview and identifying the relevant Gadamerian concepts at play within the exchanges, it was determined that a fusion of horizons did in fact occur. By applying philosophical hermeneutics to a real world dialogic encounter with participants who harbored deep-seated, divergent views, the current study accentuates the use of philosophical hermeneutics as an analytic framework. This study also highlights the utility of using philosophical hermeneutics in inter and intra-faith dialogue specifically, and in the quest for understanding in general.

Author Biography

E. Anthony Muhammad, University of Georgia

Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methodologies

Doctoral Student


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