The Sonia Case: An Illustration of the Use of the M/81 Technique
This paper illustrates a technique designed to help adolescents and young adults of: (a) the relationships between certain classic determinants e.g. (prestige, salary, career prospects) and their vocational preference system; (b) the strong and weak points in their information systems; and, (c) the internal structure of their occupational representations. An example of extension to the family is presented and analyzed.Downloads
How to Cite
Mullet, E., Chami, M., Francequin-Chartier, G., Munoz-Sastré, M. T., Neto, F., & Rieu-Fichot, C. (2011). The Sonia Case: An Illustration of the Use of the M/81 Technique. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 25(3). Retrieved from
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