Self-talk of Counsellor Trainees: A Preliminary Report


  • Max Uhlemann
  • Dong Yul Lee
  • Bryan Hiebert


This study addressed the following questions: (a) What is the nature of the internal dialogue of beginning counsellors prior to their initial interview with a client, and (b) What is the relationship between that internal dialogue and counsellor effectiveness? A 50-item self-talk questionnaire was designed to assess the positive and negative self-talk of 73 counsellor trainees prior to their initial client interviews. Practicum supervisors used a 10-item semantic differential scale to evaluate counselling effectiveness. The results showed that counsellor trainees experienced predominantly positive rather than negative self-talk. However, neither the amount of positive or negative sell-talk, nor the proportion of positive to negative self-talk was correlated with counsellor effectiveness. The implications of these findings for counsellor training and research are discussed.


How to Cite

Uhlemann, M., Lee, D. Y., & Hiebert, B. (2011). Self-talk of Counsellor Trainees: A Preliminary Report. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 22(2). Retrieved from



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