Jigsaw learning versus traditional lectures: Impact on student grades and learning experience
Jigsaw Cooperative Learning, Active Learning, Student Grades, Student Experience, Cooperative LearningAbstract
Despite significant research supporting active learning, many professors continue to use traditional lectures as their primary teaching method, particularly in introductory level courses. This article explores whether jigsaw cooperative learning had a positive impact on student grades and enhanced their learning experience, as compared to the traditional lecture method. The question was answered by collecting data from an insurance and risk management introductory course in the business school. To answer the question on learning experience, students completed a validated survey on each pedagogy, consisting of 15 statements that they rated on a Likert scale of 1 to 5, strongly disagreeing or agreeing with the statements. The course content was taught using lectures for four learning modules and the jigsaw learning method for four learning modules. After each module, a quiz was written by each student, and these grades were compared to establish the impact of each teaching method on student grades. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and two-way ANOVA testing to determine significant differences. Data was collected from two student groups. One group was a traditional university group of diverse students and the other group consisted of international students from India. I compared the results of the two student groups to identify any differences. This research adds to the studies on active learning in insurance education, specifically jigsaw cooperative learning. It also contributes to literature on effective teaching strategies for international student groups.
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