
Teaching & Learning Inquiry Awards:

Teaching & Learning Inquiry (TLI) is honored to acknowledge the excellent work of its authors and reviewers with the Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award and the Nancy Chick Article of the Year Award.


2022 | Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award

  • Daniel Guberman (Purdue University)

2022 | Nancy Chick Article of the Year Award

2021 | Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award

  • Lauren Scharff (United States Air Force Academy) & Jonathan Mark Gallimore (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Gary Poole Distinguished Reviewer Award

A thoughtful, rigorous, and developmental peer review process is essential to the mission and practice of Teaching & Learning Inquiry. This process ensures that we learn from each other, hold each other to the highest standards, and contribute to the growth of the scholarship of teaching and learning. 

Teaching & Learning Inquiry celebrates the generosity, expertise, insight, and labour of its reviewers by granting an award that recognizes reviewing excellence over the previous three years. To honor Gary Poole,* one of the founding co-editors, a person of integrity and good humor who is careful and kind and incisive, we name this award after him.

The award is presented annually at the ISSOTL conference and is selected from articles published in the previous year. Awardees receive a certificate and are featured on the TLI website, the ISSOTL blog, and in TLI.


In keeping with TLI’s mission, vision, and ethos as the ISSOTL journal, nominated reviewers are assessed according to the criteria below, regardless of the final outcome of the reviewed articles:

  • Review content: Substantive feedback that reflects TLI’s mission, scope, and review criteria and provides helpful ideas for moving the submission forward;
  • Review style: Clear writing, constructive tone; and
  • Responsiveness of reviewer: Timely, reliable responses to invitations to review and completion of reviews.

The selection committee is made up of the Editorial Team and two additional members who have an excellent knowledge of TLI and the reviewing process. One Editorial Team member will act as chair of the committee.


Nominations may come from authors and from the Editorial Team. Each nominating letter will indicate why the nominee should be considered for the award. Authors should indicate the specific article and review (e.g., review round, reviewer number, and passage from the review) that led to the nomination, enabling the committee chair to identify the relevant reviewer.

Nomination letters are due by May 1 and should be sent to the TLI Editorial Office ( The award will be announced at the ISSOTL conference in October. 

To avoid potential conflicts of interest, members of the TLI Editorial Team, the ISSOTL Publication Committee, and the ISSOTL Board may not be nominated for this award. Additionally, committee members may not vote in considering anyone with whom they have a close relationship.

Nancy Chick Article of the Year Award

Named in honor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry’s founding co-editor, Nancy Chick**, this award recognizes an outstanding article published in TLI each year. The Nancy Chick Article of the Year Award parallels the Gary Poole award for reviewers, named in honor of TLI’s founding co-editor.

Selection Process

  • Each member of the Editorial Team and the Editorial Board may nominate 1 article from the previous year’s issues for consideration for the award. Nominations are due to the co-chairs of the Publications Committee by March 1.
  • A subcommittee of the Editorial Board will develop a shortlist of no more than 6 articles for consideration, guided by the criteria below. The shortlist will be due to the co-chairs of the Publications Committee by June 1.
  • A subcommittee of the Publications Committee will review the shortlisted nominations and select a winner, using the criteria below, by August 1.
  • The Nancy Chick Article of the Year will be announced at the annual conference in October.


The Nancy Chick Article of the Year...

  • Produces original and/or innovative insights about learning, teaching, or the scholarship of teaching and learning;
  • Speaks to a diversity of readers, allowing them to see themselves reflected in the subject matter and easily recognize its relevance to themselves and their contexts;
  • Demonstrates the ways in which SoTL methodologies can be used ethically and effectively to investigate SoTL questions, or models embracing SoTL’s interdisciplinarity to explore new or refined theoretical frames for understanding learning and teaching in different contexts;
  • Illustrates a commitment to social justice or advocacy in learning and teaching, or to more inclusive and equitable SoTL; and
  • Contributes to expanding, reorienting, or shifting the boundaries of SoTL as a field.

Members of the Editorial Board or Publications Committee who have an article published in the year’s volume will recuse themselves from the selection process.


* Gary Poole is Professor Emeritus at University of British Columbia School of Population and Public Health. For 10 years, Gary was the director of UBC’s Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth and the founding Director of the UBC Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. He is a past-president of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, and of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. He has received career achievement awards from both societies. Gary is currently a senior scholar in UBC’s Centre for Health Education Scholarship. With Nancy Chick, he was founding co-editor of TLI until he stepped off on July 1, 2019, to enjoy retirement more fully.

** Nancy Chick is Director of the Endeavor Foundation Center for Faculty Development at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida (US). She is editor of SoTL in Action: Illuminating Critical Moments of Practice (Stylus, 2018), co-editor of Exploring Signature Pedagogies: Approaches to Teaching Disciplinary Habits of Mind (Stylus, 2009) and Exploring More Signature Pedagogies (Stylus, 2012), and founding co-editor of Teaching & Learning Inquiry.