A Three-Party Case Study: Exploring the Value of Student Work in Co-creation in Teaching and Learning
student work, students helping students, resource development, three-party experience, teaching and learning, students as partners, supplemental instruction, higher educationAbstract
In the context of a large first-year business course, we explore the value of student contributors, the former students from this course, working with faculty to improve the learning experience of the students enrolled in the course. By describing our study of the roles, impacts, benefits, and challenges of the student contributors’ involvement in creating supplemental resources, such as videos and practice problems, intended to augment the teaching process of the faculty and the learning process of the student learners, we contribute to the understanding of this three-party experience. Our study included interviews, survey questions, and resource-engagement analytics. We found that because student contributors can provide unique perspectives, greater inclusivity, and diverse approaches to teaching, there are benefits to the instructors, the student contributors, and the student learners.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Sunah Cho, Gregory R. Werker, Arkie Yaxi Liu, Bruce Moghtader, Woonghee Tim Huh

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