A Developmental Framework for Mentorship in SoTL Illustrated by Three Examples of Unseen Opportunities for Mentoring
mentoring in SoTL, mentoring framework, unseen mentoring, SoTL, Faculty mentoringAbstract
Mentoring relationships that form between scholars of teaching and learning occur formally and informally, across varied pathways and programs. In order to better understand such relationships, this paper proposes an adapted version of a three-stage model of mentoring, using three examples of unseen opportunities for mentoring in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) to illustrate how this framework might be operationalized. We discuss how the adapted framework might be useful to SoTL scholars in the future to examine mentorship and how unseen opportunities for mentoring might shape how we consider this subset of mentorship going forward.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Jennifer C Friberg, Mandy Frake-Mistak, Ruth Healey, Shannon Sipes, Julie Mooney, Stephanie Sanchez, Karena Waller

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