Great Introspections: How and Why SoTL Looks Inward




introspection, reflection, scholarship of teaching and learning


Over its 10-year history, many pages of Teaching & Learning Inquiry have been devoted to explorations that feature introspection. At this moment as the journal’s founding co-editors, we look at how introspection manifests itself in many ways in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). We propose a taxonomy to help us appreciate some of the forms introspection might take and explore some of the benefits and challenges inherent in committing to introspection as a value. Ultimately, we argue that introspection is a pillar of SoTL.


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Author Biographies

Gary Poole, University of British Columbia

Gary Poole is a professor emeritus in the School of Population and Public Health and a senior scholar in the Centre for Health Education Scholarship at the University of British Columbia (Canada). He and Nancy were the founding co-editors of Teaching & Learning Inquiry.

Nancy Chick

Nancy Chick is director of the Endeavor Foundation Center for Faculty Development at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida (USA). She and Gary were the founding co-editors of Teaching & Learning Inquiry.


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A photo of the final proofs for the first Teaching & Learning Inquiry publication.




How to Cite

Poole, Gary, and Nancy Chick. 2022. “Great Introspections: How and Why SoTL Looks Inward”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 10 (June).