Participation in Higher Education Classroom Discussions: How Students’ Identities Influence Perspective Taking and Engagement
postsecondary education, classroom discussions, identity, controversial issues, first-generation studentsAbstract
This study examines the impact of students’ identities on how students participate in classroom discussions in postsecondary courses. Participation in such discussions is known to increase students’ learning, but, despite this, little is known about how students’ identities influence how and whether they choose to participate. Drawn from a larger study on the experiences of postsecondary instructors and students, this article focuses on students’ perspectives and experiences. Survey data were collected from undergraduate students enrolled in an interdisciplinary undergraduate program. Students’ race, religion, gender, and their first- or continuing-generation university status were found to have varying influences on their participation in classroom discussions. Most students with marginalized identities opted out of actively participating in discussions about contentious or sociopolitical topics. This study suggests that inclusive approaches to classroom discussion can be useful in promoting students’ engagement and academic learning.
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