Post-disciplinary education with groups: In-person vs. online


  • Vickie Albrecht University of Manitoba
  • Sarah Clark University of Manitoba


Mots-clés :

academic integrity, Canada, higher education


At the University of Manitoba, several librarians are educators in Post-Discipline Education; a program where students involved in academic misconduct can learn about tools, techniques and services to encourage future academic success. Although consultations are typically one-on-one, when an allegation involves a group assignment where multiple students are involved, is this the best approach? In this session, presenters will share their experiences in developing sessions for small groups. Participants will learn about the advantages and challenges in providing this type of support, the differences between in-person and online delivery, and have the opportunity to consider how similar practices could be applied within their own work environments.  





Comment citer

Albrecht, V., & Clark, S. (2021). Post-disciplinary education with groups: In-person vs. online. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 4(1), 139.



Academic Integrity Inter-Institutional Meeting

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