Student Voices in Academic Integrity
DOI :és :
academic integrity, Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, higher education, plagiarism and paraphrasingRésumé
In the Spring 2021 semester, Langara College held a student contest inspired by a project created by a Dalhousie instructor, asking students to create fun, creative memes discussing the importance of academic integrity. The contest ran for two weeks, after which finalists were shortlisted and posted to the Langara College Instagram for the winners to be voted on by the College community.
Starting with an introduction to the Academic Integrity Campaign and its goals, the presenters would discuss the goals of the contest and the contest outcomes, including the community interaction with the social media posts. Lastly, they would expand on the future goals of the contests and the campaign itself.
Comment citer
Hagen, E., & Sander, C. . (2021). Student Voices in Academic Integrity. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 4(2), 44.
Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity
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