Citation is Inescapable: Enhancing Students’ Referencing Skills with an Online APA Escape Room


  • Tiffany Doherty Mount Royal University


Mots-clés :

citation, referencing, active learning, online learning, escape room, academic writing


Referencing is an important component to upholding academic integrity in university writing, but it can be difficult to teach in a way that really “sticks” for students. Students (and, sometimes, educators) often perceive referencing as boring and tedious because of the seemingly-countless rules involved with each unique style. Even when offered foundational instruction in a referencing style, students often struggle to independently solve citation challenges that require the confidence to apply specific rules and a degree of personal judgment. Looking to enhance students’ proficiency and confidence with referencing, a team of three Learning Strategists co-developed an online escape room to engage students in an active and fun way as they collaborate on problem-solving scenarios for APA Style. In this workshop, participants will learn why and how the escape room was developed, try out an abridged version of the escape room, and discuss how this and other game-based approaches to teaching could be used to facilitate academic integrity learning.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Tiffany Doherty, Mount Royal University

Tiffany is a Writing and Learning Strategist at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta. She supports students through individual appointments and group workshops to develop strategies and skills to be confident, self-directed learners and academic writers. She also collaborates with a number of faculty members in academic programs to develop course-specific learning materials.






Comment citer

Doherty, T. (2023). Citation is Inescapable: Enhancing Students’ Referencing Skills with an Online APA Escape Room . Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 6(1).



Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity