Near Surface Soil Temperature Measurements At Resolute Bay, Northwest Territories
DOI :és :
Frozen ground, Active layerRésumé
Based on daily readings 1951-1955 by meteorological observers at Resolute, supplemented by author's measurements in summers 1953-1955 and winter 1953-1954. Pt. 1 concerns soil temperatures within the six-ft. overburden of frozen gravel and shattered rock overlying limestone bedrock. Daily, monthly and annual average soil temperatures and the influence on them of air temperatures, isolation, and precipitation are discussed. Pt. 2 is a preliminary report on a special study made in fall 1955 on the freezeback in the active layer. Readings were taken at four-hourly intervals, Aug. 28-Oct. 1. The period of the "zero curtain" (period necessary for soil water to freeze) penetration of the 32 F freezing line, and moisture content and migration are discussed.Téléchargements