Marine Platform of Probable Sangamon Age, and Associated Terrace Deposits, Cape Thompson Area, Northwestern Alaska
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Sarqaq cultureАннотация
Reports geomorphic studies, as part of the US Atomic Energy Commission's investigations in this area 1958-1962. A coastal terrace, observed and measured along a 20-mi section crossing Ogotoruk Creek, is described and its origin, age, and morphology discussed. The feature is complex, consisting of a marine platform planed across bedrock, overlying marine and beach deposits, and a depositional upper surface of nonmarine sediments which coincides in area and configuration with the platform, possibly as a result of factors unique to polar areas. The marine platform and gravels record the last high stand of sea level, 28-40 ft above the present, which occurred about 38,000 yr ago. Other evidence in the area indicates still higher seas in earlier times.Загрузки