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DOI :éférences
Gill GK, Ng SL, Kangasjarvi E, Crukley J, Simpson JS. From skillful to empathic: evaluating shifts in medical students’ perceptions of surgeons through a combined patient as teacher and arts-based reflection program. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Louis AS, Lee C, Page AV, Ginsburg S. Anticipation or avoidance: internal medicine resident experiences performing invasive bedside procedures. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Dubé T, Wagner M, Zaccagnini M, Gomez-Garibello C. Exploring stakeholder perspectives regarding the implementation of competency-based medical education: a qualitative descriptive study. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Rojas D, Tailor J, Fournier K, Cheung JJ, Rangel C. Zoomification of medical education: can the rapid online educational responses to COVID-19 prepare us for another educational disruption? A scoping review. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Davis M, Desy J, Kassam A, Mclaughlin K. The Choice! The challenges of trying to improve medical students’ satisfaction with their specialty choices. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Clarke QK, Hanes J. Prevalence of test accommodations for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam Part I, 2013-2021. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Nichols D, Cockell J, Lemoine D, Konkin J. The Rural Integrated Community Clerkship: a vital stretch in the Alberta rural physician workforce pipeline. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Coleman A, Reis O, Clay A, Ramsden V, Kaitlyn Hughes K. Intimidation or harassment among family medicine residents in Saskatchewan: a cross-sectional survey. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
McLennan S, Purich K, Verhoeff K, Mador B. Attitudes of Canadian medical students towards surgical training and perceived barriers to surgical careers: a multicentre survey. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Chang I, Yang L, Elma A, Ritz SA, Grierson L. A brief report of aspiring medical student perceptions and behaviours concerning research experiences for selection into Canadian medical schools. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Chamberland M, Beaudoin V, Boulais I, Bergeron L, St-Onge C, Dubé T. Exploring medical students’ use of principles of self-explanation and structured reflection during clerkship. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
McEwen S, Vanderhoek J, Larsen T. Evaluation of a pre-professional pathway program: perspectives of former students in the rural pre-medicine program at Selkirk College. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Schultz KW, Kolomitro K, Koppula S, Bethune CH. Competency-based faculty development: applying transformations from lessons learned in competency-based medical education. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Aggarwal I, Jane A, Patel R. Demonstrating the importance of interprofessional health education through an interactive case competition at Queen’s Faculty of Health Sciences. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Gruber J, Condon A. Does it work? Implicit bias training for postgraduate program directors. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
So TY, Kim KY, Kornelsen E, Brubaker-Zehr E, Nyhof-Young J. Teaching spirituality to Canadian medical students: students’ perceptions of a spiritual history taking clinical skills session. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Naccarato M, Yoong D, Gough K, Tseng A, Arbess G. A pharmacist-led interprofessional education program for family practice medical residents specializing in HIV care. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Belfiore EB. Embracing Global Health in medical education: innovative ideas to achieve equity transnationally. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Bialy S, Mohammad I. Some perspectives on designing effective serious games. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Persad AR. How to help the unmatched medical student. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Shankar PR. This is never asked in the USMLE—why are you teaching it? Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Clarke QK, Hanes JE. Updated data on test accommodations on the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam Part I, 2013-2021. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Elma A, Vanstone M, Allice I, et al. The Certificate of Added Competence credentialling program in family medicine: a descriptive survey of the family physician perspective of enhanced skill practices in Canada. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Grierson L, Cavanagh A, Youssef A, et al. Inter-institutional data-driven education research: consensus values, principles, and recommendations to guide the ethical sharing of administrative education data in the Canadian medical education research context. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
Yaghy A, Yaghy M. Pulse and passion. Can Med Ed J. 2023,14(5).
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