Le CMEJ en phases: Finir avec 2024, se rapprocher de 2030
1. D’Eon MF. Four influential recent Canadian Medical Education Journal articles presented at the International Congress for Medical Education. Can Med Ed J. 2024 May 1; 15(2):1-5. https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.79278.
2. Violato C, Donnon T. A New Journal in Medical Education: The Canadian Medical Education Journal. Can Med Ed J. 2010 Mar. 13;1(1):e1-e3. https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.36532
3. Rogowsky L, Ziolkowski N, Innis J, Grant Buechner A, Springall E, Dengler J. Creating a national breastfeeding and lactation policy for Canadian surgical residents. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78114.
4. Gurizzian P, Hackenberger J, Shaker V, et al. Reduced time spent with patients and decreased satisfaction in work during COVID-19 pandemic. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78773.
5. Lisk K, Cheung JJ. A case study: exploring the impact of 3D printed models on cognitive integration during clinical skills training. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78564.
6. McDonald HM, Cote SL, McMillan A, Sharan S. Trends in female applicants to Canadian ophthalmology residency programs from 1998-2020. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.77587.
7. Gottin T, Foley V, Petit G, Valois C, Loignon C. Perceived effect of a training activity for medical students in community organizations. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.76842.
8. Kam A, Lam T, Chang I, Huang RS, Fernandez N, Richardson D. Resident perceptions of learning challenges in concussion care education. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78016.
9. Curtis R, Moon CC, Hanmore T, Hopman WM, Baxter S. Use the right words: evaluating the effect of word choice and word count on quality of narrative feedback in ophthalmology competency-based medical education assessments. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.76671.
10. Kherani IZ, Osei-Yeboah C, Bushra M, et al. Evaluating the Dear MD to Be Podcast as an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion resource: a cross-sectional survey analysis. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.76112.
11. Morvannou A, Allami Y, Jobin EY. Virtual patients with substance use disorders in healthcare professional education: a scoping review. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78344.
12. Sugumar V, Seeburruth D, Zhou S, Noone D, Bilimoria K. Overcoming adversity: the resilience of first-generation medical school applicants. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.79341.
13. Zeeman M, Chow J, Goldstein C, Lewis M. Suicide prevention skills training in pre-clerkship medical students: a pilot study. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78790
14. Rahman H, Shokar A, Alaverdashvili M, De Souza D. The Psychiatry Information Card: a pocket resource to assist students’ transition into psychiatry clerkship. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.79374
15. Leduc J-M, Razack S, Dennis A, Gröne O, Knorr M. Fairness in health professions selection: learning from organizational justice theory and a pandemic. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78810.
16. Moreau KA, Giroux C, Eady K. Beyond the classroom: enhancing graduate health professions education programs for non-clinicians. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.80176.
17. Kinnear B. Time-variable training: the goal of competency-based education or a consequence? Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.80178.
18. Oboli VN. A light in the dark. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.80093.
19. Prazeres F. A visual approach to multimorbidity learning. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.80116
20. Bazos E, Quaiattini A, Young M. Analysis of authentic assessment in health professions education: a scoping review and concept analysis protocol. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.79812.
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© Marcel F D'Eon 2024

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