Le CMEJ en phases: Finir avec 2024, se rapprocher de 2030


  • Marcel F D'Eon University of Saskatchewan




1. D’Eon MF. Four influential recent Canadian Medical Education Journal articles presented at the International Congress for Medical Education. Can Med Ed J. 2024 May 1; 15(2):1-5. https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.79278.

2. Violato C, Donnon T. A New Journal in Medical Education: The Canadian Medical Education Journal. Can Med Ed J. 2010 Mar. 13;1(1):e1-e3. https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.36532

3. Rogowsky L, Ziolkowski N, Innis J, Grant Buechner A, Springall E, Dengler J. Creating a national breastfeeding and lactation policy for Canadian surgical residents. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78114.

4. Gurizzian P, Hackenberger J, Shaker V, et al. Reduced time spent with patients and decreased satisfaction in work during COVID-19 pandemic. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78773.

5. Lisk K, Cheung JJ. A case study: exploring the impact of 3D printed models on cognitive integration during clinical skills training. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78564.

6. McDonald HM, Cote SL, McMillan A, Sharan S. Trends in female applicants to Canadian ophthalmology residency programs from 1998-2020. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.77587.

7. Gottin T, Foley V, Petit G, Valois C, Loignon C. Perceived effect of a training activity for medical students in community organizations. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.76842.

8. Kam A, Lam T, Chang I, Huang RS, Fernandez N, Richardson D. Resident perceptions of learning challenges in concussion care education. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78016.

9. Curtis R, Moon CC, Hanmore T, Hopman WM, Baxter S. Use the right words: evaluating the effect of word choice and word count on quality of narrative feedback in ophthalmology competency-based medical education assessments. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.76671.

10. Kherani IZ, Osei-Yeboah C, Bushra M, et al. Evaluating the Dear MD to Be Podcast as an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion resource: a cross-sectional survey analysis. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.76112.

11. Morvannou A, Allami Y, Jobin EY. Virtual patients with substance use disorders in healthcare professional education: a scoping review. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78344.

12. Sugumar V, Seeburruth D, Zhou S, Noone D, Bilimoria K. Overcoming adversity: the resilience of first-generation medical school applicants. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.79341.

13. Zeeman M, Chow J, Goldstein C, Lewis M. Suicide prevention skills training in pre-clerkship medical students: a pilot study. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78790

14. Rahman H, Shokar A, Alaverdashvili M, De Souza D. The Psychiatry Information Card: a pocket resource to assist students’ transition into psychiatry clerkship. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.79374

15. Leduc J-M, Razack S, Dennis A, Gröne O, Knorr M. Fairness in health professions selection: learning from organizational justice theory and a pandemic. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.78810.

16. Moreau KA, Giroux C, Eady K. Beyond the classroom: enhancing graduate health professions education programs for non-clinicians. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.80176.

17. Kinnear B. Time-variable training: the goal of competency-based education or a consequence? Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.80178.

18. Oboli VN. A light in the dark. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.80093.

19. Prazeres F. A visual approach to multimorbidity learning. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.80116

20. Bazos E, Quaiattini A, Young M. Analysis of authentic assessment in health professions education: a scoping review and concept analysis protocol. Can Med Ed J. 2024;15(6). https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.79812.




Comment citer

D’Eon MF. Le CMEJ en phases: Finir avec 2024, se rapprocher de 2030 . Can. Med. Ed. J [Internet]. 30 déc. 2024 [cité 9 mars 2025];15(6):1-4. Disponible à: https://dev.journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cmej/article/view/80606




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