Education for Aboriginal Learners: Challenges and Suggestions as Perceived by School Principals


  • Jane Preston University of Prince Edward Island
  • Tim Claypool University of Saskatchewan
  • Brenda Green Saskatoon Public School Division
  • William Rowluck University of Saskatchewan
  • Jill Martin University of Prince Edward Island


According to school principals, the purpose of this paper is to identify issues that negatively influence the educational experience of Aboriginal students and to offer real-life examples focused on addressing these challenges.  This qualitative multi-case study encapsulates 14 semi-structured individual interviews conducted with five Saskatchewan principals and four Prince Edward Island principals. From the perspective of nine shcool principals, challenges were pedagogical and curricular issues, student transition and attendance, the legacy of residential schools and other parental issues, and financial resource issues. Implications of the study pertain to professional development of teachers and hiring procedures of school districts.

Author Biographies

Jane Preston, University of Prince Edward Island

Faculty of Education

Assistant Professor

Tim Claypool, University of Saskatchewan

Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education

Associate Professor

Brenda Green, Saskatoon Public School Division


William Rowluck, University of Saskatchewan

Graduate Student

Research Assistant

Jill Martin, University of Prince Edward Island

Graduate Student

Research Assistant


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