New Teacher Assessment Literacy: Determining and Narrowing the Gaps


  • Christopher Adamson University of Calgary


Assessment literacy is a fundamental prerequisite for effective student learning; therefore, determining and narrowing the gaps in teachers’ assessment literacy is an important educational endeavour.  The purpose of this research was to explore the gaps in new teacher assessment literacy within a rural Alberta school division. The researcher administered a modified assessment literacy inventory to teachers within their first four years of practice.  Results have indicated that gaps in new teacher assessment literacy exist in four of the nine standards used; choosing assessment methods, developing assessment methods, administering, scoring, and interpreting results, and using assessment results in decision making.  These findings reflect the need to improve the assessment literacy within this context and they hint at a more widespread issue.  This article offers recommendations to narrow the gaps with tailored professional development through professional learning communities.

Author Biography

Christopher Adamson, University of Calgary

My name is Chris Adamson and I'm originally from Calgary, grew up in Ottawa, attended the University of Ottawa for my BSc., UNB Fredericton for my BEd. and now I'm currently back in Alberta completing my MEd. at the University of Calgary. My personal context is six years of teaching junior/senior math and science within a rural northern Alberta K-12 school. Rocky Lane School is part of the Fort Vermilion School Division and consists of 180 students; 89% being aboriginal. In April 2015 I accepted the Vice-Principal position at Rocky Lane School and finished that position in June 2016. As of August 2016, I have been the Principal at Hill Crest Community School which consists of 188 students; the vast majority being of Mennonite belief.




How to Cite

Adamson, C. (2020). New Teacher Assessment Literacy: Determining and Narrowing the Gaps. Emerging Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Graduate Research in Education and Psychology, 4(2), 89–105. Retrieved from


