Pan(dem)ic at the (Middle School) Disco: Navigating Data Collection During Quarantine


  • Rae Ann Van Beers University of Calgary


graduate student, research plan, data collection, online platforms, middle school, fair trade , social justice education, duoethnography, qualitative research


Nearly everyone’s lives in this province were disrupted in March 2020 when the Alberta government decided to shut down schools in an attempt to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. For me, the quarantine thwarted my original doctoral research plan to work with my middle school participants to develop our peer-topeer duoethnographic conversations. The immediate suspension of in-person schooling and the frenzied move to online learning for all Alberta schools required adjusting my well-crafted research plan in order to move those conversations to an online platform. It also forced me to rely on the help of the allies I had found within the school, both the staff and the youth themselves, to obtain the data I had determined was essential to my study.




How to Cite

Van Beers, R. A. (2021). Pan(dem)ic at the (Middle School) Disco: Navigating Data Collection During Quarantine. Emerging Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Graduate Research in Education and Psychology, 5(2), 13–16. Retrieved from