About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Journal of Educational Thought promotes speculative, critical, and historical research concerning the theory and practice of education in a variety of areas including administration, comparative education, curriculum, educational commmunication, evaluation, instructional methodology, intercultural education, philosophy, pyschology, and sociology. Critical and controversial views in the field of education or on previously published articles in the Journal of Educational Thought appear in a section entitled "The Forum," which contains papers of a less formal nature. The book section includes short book reviews as well as extended book review essays. The Journal is international in scope and qualitative in nature. It serves a broad readership: specialists in the areas mentioned, scholars, and the public in general.

It is the policy of the Journal to provide an open forum for scholarly discussion. Editorials, articles, and book reviews are to be regarded as expressing the viewpoints of the writers themselves and not as reflecting official positions of the Werklund School of Education or the University of Calgary. The editors reserve the right to make changes that improve the clarity or brevity of manuscripts.

La Revue de la pensée Éducative a pour but de promouvoir la recherche fondamentale, critique et historique autour des questions que soulève la théorie ou la pratique de l'éducation, dans les domaines tels que l'administration scolaire, l'éducation comparée, la programmation, la communication, l'évaluation, la didactique, l'éducation interculturelle, la philosophie, la psychologie et la sociologie de l'éducation. La section "Forum" est le lieu de débats autour de questions d'actualité ou au sujet d'articles parus dans la Revue ; elle fait aussi place à la réflexion informelle. La section "Publications" est consacrée aux comptes rendus de lectures et aux recensions d'ouvrages. La Revue, d'envergure internationale, dessert un large éventail de lectuers: spécialistes, chercheurs, profanes. La Revue a pour mandat de favoriser l'échange savant; c'est pourquoi les éditoriaux, articles et recensions expriment les opinions de leurs auteurs et non celles de la Faculté d'éducation de l'Université de Calgary. La Revue se réserve le droit d'apporter aux textes qu'elle accepte les corrections jugées aptes à leur donner plus de clarté de concision.

Peer Review Process

Please evaluate this manuscript taking into consideration the following criteria (and any others you think should apply):

Clarity of expression, importance to Educational Thought, conceptualization of topic, originality, strength of argument, logic and coherence of organization, literature review, analysis and presentation of data, discussion and interpretation of findings, and overall reaction to manuscript.

OVERALL RATING:  (Please indicate your recommendation)                                  

1)  Accept

2)  Accept subject to minor revisions

3)  Reject but invite resubmission with major revisions

4)  Reject 

Please Provide Specific Comments for the Author(s)


In order to provide our authors with a quick response, please EMAIL/MAIL your comments and recommendation to the Address below.


(There is no need to return manuscript unless you feel it has relevant comments on it which the author should see.)

Publication Frequency

This Journal is published three times per year.

Journal of Educational Thought

Journal of Educational Thought promotes speculative, critical, and historical research concerning the theory and practice of education in a variety of areas including administration, comparative education, curriculum, educational commmunication, evaluation, instructional methodology, intercultural education, philosophy, pyschology, and sociology. Critical and controversial views in the field of education or on previously published articles in the Journal of Educational Thought appear in a section entitled "The Forum," which contains papers of a less formal nature. The book section includes short book reviews as well as extended book review essays. The Journal is international in scope and qualitative in nature. It serves a broad readership: specialists in the areas mentioned, scholars, and the public in general.

It is the policy of the Journal to provide an open forum for scholarly discussion. Editorials, articles, and book reviews are to be regarded as expressing the viewpoints of the writers themselves and not as reflecting official positions of the Werklund School of Education or the University of Calgary. The editors reserve the right to make changes that improve the clarity or brevity of manuscripts.

La Revue de la pensée Éducative a pour but de promouvoir la recherche fondamentale, critique et historique autour des questions que soulève la théorie ou la pratique de l'éducation, dans les domaines tels que l'administration scolaire, l'éducation comparée, la programmation, la communication, l'évaluation, la didactique, l'éducation interculturelle, la philosophie, la psychologie et la sociologie de l'éducation. La section "Forum" est le lieu de débats autour de questions d'actualité ou au sujet d'articles parus dans la Revue ; elle fait aussi place à la réflexion informelle. La section "Publications" est consacrée aux comptes rendus de lectures et aux recensions d'ouvrages. La Revue, d'envergure internationale, dessert un large éventail de lectuers: spécialistes, chercheurs, profanes. La Revue a pour mandat de favoriser l'échange savant; c'est pourquoi les éditoriaux, articles et recensions expriment les opinions de leurs auteurs et non celles de la Faculté d'éducation de l'Université de Calgary. La Revue se réserve le droit d'apporter aux textes qu'elle accepte les corrections jugées aptes à leur donner plus de clarté de concision.

Journal History

The Journal of Educational Thought (JET) has been in print now for the last fifty years (1967 to 2017).  It was planned in the first year (1966) the new University of Calgary was in existence and its first issue came out in 1967 under the editorship of the then Dean of the Faculty of Education, H.S. Baker .  It described itself as follows:


“The Journal of Educational Thought provides an outlet for the discussion of educational ideas.  In general, it complements empirical research by speculative, critical thought about public education. The Journal draws specifically upon philosophical, social and historical insights, but is receptive to other approaches both theoretical and practical--including both those of teachers and administrators”.


In its first issue a clear attempt was made to draw on important writers in Canada and abroad.  The lead article was by Charles Dobinson, a well known comparative educator from the University of Reading in the UK wrote on “Education Tomorrow”. James Paton from the University of Toronto addressed himself to the perennial problem of “Teaching People to Think ”.  Joseph Katz of the University of British Columbia offered a comparative analysis of the educational similarities and differences between Britain and Japan and our own Donald Vandenberg offered a case study of “Ideology and Educational Policy”.  Charles Phillips, the onetime Director of Graduate Studies in he Ontario College of Education and generally considered the dean of Canadian educators, offered in a piece entitled “Schooling in an Earlier Era” a lifetime of reminiscences. 


Some years later JET also published and continues to publish articles in French as well as English. While the numbers of the French articles have always been relatively few, the articles have always been of a high quality.  


What do things look like fifty years later? In the Volume 50, Number 1 issue for 2017 educational ideas are still paramount, though the ideas are both more international and perhaps more unfamiliar.  The lead article is by Stephen White from Applachian  State University writing on “Globalization and Higher Education: Exploring Holistic Learning Through Sri Aurobindo’s Thought”.  Kimberley Homes of the University of Calgary writes on “Mindfulness as a Practice of Professional Life: A Reflective Learning Journey with Second Year Teachers”.  The University of Toronto is also represented in this issue with Adam Hill’s “Towards an Understanding of the Value of Dialogic Inquiry into and about Values”.  The final article is entitled “John Dewey and Progressive Education” by Erin Hopkins of Virginia Tech.  The book reviews treat of two books“ The Thoughtful Leader” and “Understanding School Choice in Canada”.  The two issues of the journal were combined in Volume 50, Numbers 2&3 as a special 50th Anniversary Double Issue on the topic of “Wellness in the Academy” guest edited by Jennifer Lock, Gabrielle Wilcox and Yvonne Kjorlien.  


Ian Winchester

