Recherche empirique sur les processus de reequilibrage de l'attention dans le traitement des problemes educatifs


  • Marc M. Wasserstein-Warnet Bar-Ilan University, Israel



A growing number of researchers are reopening the issue of traditional conceptions related to strategies of problem treatment. Strictly deductive and ration a l approaches are described as inadequate for an educational world that must face up to, in many cases , a complexity of meanings : ill -structured situations, multiple objectives, conflicting and affective issue. The difficulty derives from the muddle of significances, diverse points of view on basic da ta, and thus from ways to address the problem. Efforts of centring/recentring and of heurism are required. This article suggests one unique method or mode of problem treatment, based on the identification and management of redirecting processes of attention. The article presents a discussion on data resulting from a research program on educational problem solving. The results of the study support theories which contend that, in the understanding of situations, a representation may work either as a tool or as an obstacle. Practically, the article identifies the main factor blocking understanding of a problem, and suggests four strategic ways to redirect attention: overcoming a ninstant or linear perception of time, interaction between the problem's components and its whole, search for the meaning or sense of a problem, and studying the potential influence of the give ns of a problem.




