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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not previously been published in similar form (including in another language), it is not under consideration elsewhere, and it will not be published elsewhere within three years of publication in the JHS. If you are unsure about any of these provisos, please provide an explanation in "Comments to the Editor."
  • The text is double-spaced in a 12-point font. Documentation is provided in footnotes (not endnotes or in-text citations). All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The article is saved in PDF format.
  • Any elements that might identify you as author, including headers and footers, allusions to individuals or institutions in acknowledgments, and references to your previous publications have been removed. (These elements can all be restored if the essay is accepted for publication.

Author Guidelines

JHS Author Guidelines


The Journal of the History of Sexuality uses Open Journal Systems (OJS): All submissions must be made online at If you already have a user profile on OJS, click on “Login” at the top right of the screen and enter your username and password. If you have never used OJS before you will need to create a profile to submit your article and to track its progress through the review process. Click on “Register” and enter all required information. Please also be sure to add your mailing address and a “Bio Statement” of approximately 100 words. Once you have registered, you should be able to click on the “New Submission” link (to the right of “My Assigned”) to upload your article. If you can’t see this link, you are most likely registered in the JHS in a role other than “author.”

Submission File Format: We prefer to receive initial submissions in PDF format.

Anonymous Submission: Before you submit, be sure to remove any elements that might identify you as author, including not only your name (both following the title and in headers or footers), but also any individuals or institutions named in acknowledgments, as well as references to any previous publications identified as your own. (These elements can all be restored if the essay is accepted for publication.) Follow the advice in the “Ensuring a Blind Review” link that OJS provides as part of your submission to remove all identifying data from the file’s properties. Please be aware that the process for removing hidden data and metadata will vary depending upon the program you are using, and you will have to rely on the help files for your software to make sure this is done properly.

Article submission process: As you go through the OJS submission steps, be sure to add an abstract for your article to facilitate the review process. For precise instructions on submitting with OJS, see the appropriate section of the OJS User Guide. If you have any technical problems with this process, please contact the editors at

Length, Notes & Images

Ideally, essays should be no more than 10,000 words, excluding notes. All essays should be double-spaced, including notes. Footnotes (rather than endnotes) are preferred (see “Formatting and Style Guide” below) as are embedded rather than appended images at the review stage. Also see the note on “Use of Images” below. Specific page references are also always required unless you really are referring to a work as a whole. Please be concise with your citations and avoid lists (notes that simply document diverse supportive material). Long notes take up valuable space and are unlikely to be of great value to our diverse readership. If you do want to add notes of the “see also” variety, it should be clear why these extra readings are of value for your precise subject matter.


All essays must be submitted in the English language, including all quoted material. Ideally authors will use American spelling and punctuation, though this can also be changed later. Authors whose first language is not English are well advised to have their essays proofread by a native speaker for general comprehensibility before submission.

Copyright Guarantee

During the submission process, you will be asked to certify that:

  • the essay or its findings have not been published in similar form elsewhere, either in abbreviated or elaborated form in any language;
  • the essay or its findings are not under consideration for publication elsewhere; and
  • the essay will not be published within three full years from the date of submission elsewhere, for example, as a chapter or chapters in a forthcoming monograph by the author or in a volume of collected essays.

Formatting and Style Guide

The journal relies upon the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, and we ask that authors conform to the following style requirements of the JHS before the review process:

Font and margins: Times New Roman 12 point should be used. Margins should be one inch on all sides.

Spacing: Please add a line of space before and after titles or subtitles and the main body of the text. Insert only one space at the end of each sentence. All text, including titles and notes, should be double-spaced and left-justified.

Bolding, italicization, and underlining: Bolding and italicization should never be used. All titles of periodicals and books should be underlined.

Non-English words and titles: All non-English words should be underlined, unless they have become part of the general English vocabulary (for example, “fiancée” and “Zeitgeist”); see Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition. Unfamiliar terms, if frequently used, need only be underlined at their first appearance. These words must be translated immediately following their first appearance in the text, in parentheses, including titles (but not titles given only in notes).

Quotations: According to the less rigorous form of the Chicago style, the first word of a quotation can be changed from lowercase to uppercase and vice versa without being enclosed in square brackets, and punctuation at the end of a quotation can be changed to fit the surrounding text. An ellipsis (three spaced dots) should not be added at the start or end of a quotation, although an ellipsis should be inserted within a quotation when original material has been omitted. The Chicago style also permits the addition of punctuation before or after an ellipsis (although a period always precedes it, and the first word of the next sentence in the quotation can be changed from lowercase to uppercase without the changed letter being enclosed in brackets).

Block quotations should not be used unless the quotation consists of 100 words or more. They should be distinguished from the main body of the text by being indented one full inch from the left margin and should also be double-spaced. There should not be a line of space either before or after a block quotation.

Hyphens: Chicago style recommends closing compound words formed with prefixes (such as “antigay” and “prodemocracy”) unless the lack of a hyphen causes confusion (“pro-life,” “meta-analysis”). A compound adjective before a noun is usually hyphenated (“a middle-aged man”); following a noun, it is often left open (“the man is middle aged”). See The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed., section 7.89 for a useful table on hyphenation.

Dates in the text should be written as in the following example: 19 April 1654. (See the exceptions for citing newspaper and magazine articles below.) Centuries should always be spelled out and should be hyphenated when used as adjectives (“nineteenth-century literature”).

American vs. British Commonwealth spelling and punctuation: American spelling should always be used. For example, use -or rather than -our word endings (as in “labor” and “color”), -ize/-ization rather than -ise/-isation (as in “criticize” and “civilization”). The “l” in “traveled” is not doubled, and “practice” is used for the verb as well as the noun form. Chicago style recommends the use of “that” for a restrictive clause (without commas before and after the clause) and “which” (with commas) for a nonrestrictive clause. Use single quotation marks only for quotations within quotations; place commas and periods within quotation marks.

Use of Latin abbreviations and symbols: The JHS follows the most recent version of The Chicago Manual of Style in discouraging the use of all Latin abbreviations (such as ibid, passim, ff. or Op. cit.). Do not use Latin abbreviations within the main body of the text; always spell out i.e. as “that is” and e.g. as “for example,” even parenthetically or in notes. Symbols should also generally be avoided: for example, use “percent” rather than %.

Notes should appear as footnotes. They can be single-spaced for the review process but must be double-spaced at the copyediting stage. In both cases, use Times New Roman 12-point font and do not put any additional spacing between notes. Within the main body of the text, note numbers should be placed at the end of a sentence, unless exceptional reasons require them to be placed within the sentence, in which case they should come only after some other punctuation. If a text paragraph includes a number of page references to the same source, consolidate those references in one note, with the note number at the end of the paragraph.

Common Features of Chicago-Style Notes:

Provide a complete citation, including subtitle, city, and publisher, of a book at its first appearance; subsequent citations should be abbreviated (author’s last name plus a shortened version of the title):

1 Gilbert Herdt, Guardians of the Flutes: Idioms of Masculinity (New York: McGraw Hill, 1981), 17.
. . .
3 Herdt, Guardians of the Flutes, 21-25.

Page numbers should always be given without an abbreviation (such as p. or pp. or pg.). If the note cites a multivolume work, the volume number should precede the page number, again without any identifying abbreviation (such as vol.), with the numbers separated by a colon:

5 Winston Churchill, The World Crisis, 1911-1918, 6 vols. (London: Thornton Butterworth, 1923-31), 3:127-35.

6 Churchill, The World Crisis, 1:87-96.

The first citation of a journal should include both the volume and issue numbers as well as the year date (but not the month or season). All page numbers follow a colon:

 7 Pat Moloney, “Savages in the Scottish Enlightenment’s History of Desire,” Journal of the History of Sexuality 14, no. 3 (1992): 244.

A reference to an essay in an edited collection should include complete information at the first appearance; subsequent references should be shortened. If another essay in the same collection is later cited, the essay should include the author’s full name and the full title of the essay, but the citation to the edited collection can be shortened:

9 Pieter Judson, “The Gendered Politics of German Nationalism in Austria, 1880-1990,” in Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, ed. David Good, Margarete Grandner, and Mary Jo Maynes (Providence, RI: Berghan Books, 1996), 5.
. . .
11 Judson, “Gendered Politics.”

12 Marie-Luise Angerer, “The Discourse on Female Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century Austria,” in Good, Grandner, and Maynes, Austrian Women, 180.

References in notes to archival sources should provide all information necessary to locate the item, separated by commas (item, date, folder number, box number [or the equivalent], collection title, archive or library, city, US state or country). Subsequent references to archival sources can use an abbreviation to refer to the collection or location, noted in the first reference:

11 Gray to the clerk of council, 15 February 1876, CO 267/331, Public Record Office, London, UK (cited hereafter as PRO).

12 Lovell to Governor Rowe, 19 February 1876, CO 267/332, PRO.

References to newspaper articles begin with the author. References to unsigned articles begin with the article title:

13 Edgar Grey, “The New Negro Slavery in Harlem,” Amsterdam News, May 13, 1925, 16; “Police Intelligence,” Sierra Leone Weekly News, September 6, 1884, 2.

14 “Police Intelligence,” 2.

Please be aware that magazines should be cited differently than scholarly journal articles to distinguish them from peer-reviewed scholarship (see The Chicago Manual of Style, 14.188):

15 Jane Kramer, “Letter from Europe: Berlin,” The New Yorker, May 25, 1992, 45.

References to all works (that is, titles of books, articles, and journals) in languages other than English should remain in the original language. Capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle, but otherwise use the capitalization rules for that language. Title and subtitle should be separated by a colon, as in English citations, regardless of the conventions of the language of the title:

16 Gonzalo Vial Correa, “Aplicación en Chile de la Pragmática sobre matrimonios de los hijos de familia,” Revista chilena de historia del derecho 6 (1970): 339-40.

17 Jörg Hutter, Die gesellschaftliche Kontrolle des homosexuellen Begehrens: Medizinische Definitionen und juristische Sanktionen im 19. Jahrhundert (Frankfurt: Campus, 1992), 41.

Copy Editing and UTP Style Sheet

University of Texas Press Copy Editing policies: If accepted for publication, the essay will be edited, copyedited, and typeset according to the determinations of the editor and the press. Submitting authors should recognize that they will likely be asked to make revisions to content, wording, and format so as to conform to the conventions of the JHS and the University of Texas Press and to ensure comprehensibility for our diverse readership. Submitting an essay for possible publication in the JHS therefore implies an author’s willingness to cooperate in adhering to these conventions. We will expect you to answer questions and accept any changes within a timely fashion.

Use of Images: Contributors who wish to use images to accompany their articles in print must make a good-faith effort to obtain permission to reprint those images from the holders of any copyright for them, and any cost to such permissions must be borne by the contributor. Such permissions are not necessary for the review process, but they will be required before the article is published. Further information can be found at

Order and Timing of Publication

The review process takes approximately three months; all authors will be contacted, usually by email, as soon as a decision has been reached about the publication of the essay. Currently, there is a delay of about two full years between the time an essay is given final acceptance (that is, at the end of the review process and after an author has made whatever changes are deemed necessary) and its appearance in print. Articles are normally published in the order in which they are given final acceptance, though some adjustments are made in order to ensure a broad scope of subject areas for each issue. Acceptance of an essay is valid only for one year from the date of notification; if an essay is returned with requested revisions after one year, it may be subject to an additional round of reviews with no guarantee of final acceptance.


No payment is made for any contributions, but all authors will receive two free copies of the issue in which their article appears, and additional copies or offprints may be ordered from the press.


All general inquiries should be directed to the editors:

Prof. Ishita Pande
Editor, Journal of the History of Sexuality
Department of History
Queen's University
Watson Hall, Rm. 212
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada 

Prof. Nicholas L. Syrett
Editor, Journal of the History of Sexuality
Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
University of Kansas
318 Blake Hall, 1541 Lilac Lane
Lawrence, KS 66045, USA 


Articles in this section must be original work based on sound empirical (primary) evidence. This is the largest section in the journal, representing the newest findings within the field of the history of sexuality.


In this section, we will publish articles that provide an historically contextualized reading of literary or other types of texts.


This section contains articles that investigate methodological challenges and controversies of the field.


Submit your article to this section if it investigates important new historical sources for the history of sexuality or if it explores a source that should be better known to us.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.