Do Hypnosis and Mindfulness Practices Inhabit a Common Domain? Implications for Research, Clinical Practice, and Forensic Science


  • Steven Lynn
  • Anne Malaktaris Department of Psychology, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York, 13902-6000, United States of America
  • Reed Maxwell
  • David I. Mellinger Kaiser Permanente, Behavioral Health Care, Sherman Terrace, 18040 Sherman Way, Reseda, California 91335 United States of America
  • Delana van der Kloet Department of Clinical Psychological Science Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht


Hypnosis and mindfulness practices provide clinicians with two viable yet distinct methods, or more accurately families of methods, for increasing well-being and ameliorating problems in living. In this article, we compare and contrast hypnotic and mindfulness interventions, address the question of whether they inhabit a common domain, describe how they may be combined to advantage, and discuss clinical and research implications. We contend that hypnosis and mindfulness inhabit a common, albeit broad, domain of suggestive approaches. However, we also argue that meaningful differences exist that are particularly salient and consequential in the forensic arena.


