Personal Counselling at an Ontario Community College: Client Groups, Service Usage, and Retention


  • Shirley Porter Fanshawe College


Counselling, Student Retention, Post-secondary, Disabilities


This study focused on personal counselling clients in a community college in Ontario. Using archival records from the 2008–2009 academic year, at-risk client groups were identified and compared with respect to usage rates and retention. Significant differences were identified. Overall, first-year students who engaged in personal counselling had a 7.6% higher retention rate than that of the first-year student population as a whole. Students with confirmed disabilities (CD) and probable disabilities (PD) attended significantly more personal counselling appointments than students with no reported disabilities (ND). CD clients had a 15% higher retention rate than that of PD clients.

Author Biography

Shirley Porter, Fanshawe College

Shirley Porter, is a counsellor at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario, Canada where she provides, personal, educational, career and crisis counselling to students. She has a special interest in counselling and retention, and in acute stress/PTSD counselling strategies.




How to Cite

Porter, S. (2011). Personal Counselling at an Ontario Community College: Client Groups, Service Usage, and Retention. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 45(3). Retrieved from



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