Ideal and Expected Roles of School Guidance Counselors
Ideal role perceptions of New Brunswick counselors werecompared with random samples of actual role expectations held for coun-
selors by principals, teachers, parents, and students. Scope of the present
study included counselors from the major population centers of the province.
The significant role disagreements which were obtained in 82 situations are
discussed and tentative reasons for such disagreements are offered.
A previous study (Rankine & Angus, 1971) which examined the coun-
selors' expectations of the other groups compared with the actual role
expectations held for counselors by these other groups produced the most
role disagreements with students. This study indicates a different pattern,
but suggests counselors will be more effective in terms of meeting the
students' expectations if they adopt an "ideal" set in relation to conflicts
outlined in the Guidance Counselor Role Norm Inventory.
Comment citer
Rankine, F. C., & Angus, J. T. (2012). Ideal and Expected Roles of School Guidance Counselors. Revue Canadienne De Counseling Et De psychothérapie, 6(4). Consulté à l’adresse
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