Profiles of Canadian Postsecondary Education Dropouts


  • Xin Ma University of Kentucky, Lexington
  • George Frempong Human Science and Research Council



College Dropout


Using longitudinal data of 18- to 20-year-old youths from the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS), the present analysis identified and profiled Canadian postsecondary education dropouts based on the theoretical framework of Tinto (1993). Pertaining to characteristics of pre-postsecondary education conditions, dropouts tended to be male, set low postsecondary education goals, and have a history of dropping out and drug abuse in high school. Pertaining to characteristics of postsecondary education integration, dropouts demonstrated a first-year postsecondary education GPA of 60% or lower, an avoidance of volunteering on campus, and a lack of personal connections on campus. In addition, dropouts have previously contemplated quitting, have low sense of belonging, rely on social assistance, have neither institutional scholarships nor parental loans, are married, and are pursuing postsecondary programs in trade schools or technical schools. Integration into postsecondary education is far more critical to student attrition than pre-postsecondary education conditions.


Puisant dans les données longitudinales d’une enquête de Statistique Canada auprès des jeunes en transition (Youth in Transition Survey), notamment la cohorte des 18 à 20 ans, la présente analyse a identifié et souligné, selon le cadre théorique de Tinto (1993), les individus ayant décroché en cours d’études postsecondaires. Ceux qui décrochent avant les études postsecondaires sont souvent masculins, ils se fixent des objectifs limités relatifs aux études supérieures et ont des antécédents impliquant des abandons scolaires et la toxicomanie au secondaire. Parmi les caractéristiques des décrocheurs au niveau postsecondaire, notons une moyenne globale inférieure ou équivalente à 60% lors de leur première année d’études supérieures, une absence de participation aux activités bénévoles sur le campus et un manque de liens personnels sur le campus. De plus, les décrocheurs ont souvent déjà pensé à abandonner, manifestent un faible sentiment d’appartenance, comptent sur l’assistance sociale, n’ont pas reçu de bourses institutionnelles ni de prêts de la part de leurs parents, sont mariés et poursuivent des études postsecondaires dans des écoles techniques ou des écoles de métiers. L’intégration joue un rôle beaucoup plus critique dans le taux d’abandon des étudiants au niveau postsecondaire qu’au secondaire.

Author Biographies

Xin Ma, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Xin Ma is Professor of Education Statistics and Mathematics Education in the Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology at the University of Kentucky. His areas of specialization are advanced statistical (quantitative) methods, advanced analysis of large-scale provincial (state), national and international surveys, psychology of mathematics education, program evaluation and policy analysis, and organizational (school) effectiveness and improvement.

George Frempong, Human Science and Research Council

George Frempong is a Chief Research Specialist at the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) in Pretoria, South Africa. His research interest includes analysis of school effects, mathematics education, assessment, complex data analysis, and technology innovations for school improvement. His current research focuses on the provision of quality education for the poor and the development of innovative software to improve teachers' assessment practices.




How to Cite

Ma, X., & Frempong, G. (2014). Profiles of Canadian Postsecondary Education Dropouts. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 59(2), 141–161.

