Community and Teacher Education, Convergence or Divergence? Saskatoon and the Saskatoon Normal School, 1930–1950


  • Lynn Ellen Lemisko University of Saskatchewan
  • Gemma Porter University of Saskatchewan
  • Kurt Clausen Nipissing University



Teacher education in Canada is a contested discipline with long standing national and international debates about what teachers need to know and be able to do. But teacher education programmes are also influenced by the social, political, and economic context in which the programmes developed, so it is reasonable to suppose that debates about teacher education programming are connected to local issues and concerns of the community. Given the supposition that teacher education programming is shaped, at least in part, by the tensions and contentions arising in particular localities, this study provides historical insight into the relationship between a local community and a teacher education program by examining connections between the Saskatoon Normal School teacher education program and the community of Saskatoon in the years of 1930–1950.

Key words: history of teacher education; community and teacher education

La formation des enseignants au Canada est une discipline contestée qui fait l'objet de débats nationaux et internationaux de longue date sur ce que les enseignants doivent savoir et être capables de faire. Mais les programmes de formation des enseignants sont également influencés par le contexte social, politique et économique dans lequel ils ont été élaborés. Il est donc raisonnable de supposer que les débats sur les programmes de formation des enseignants sont liés aux questions et préoccupations locales de la communauté. Étant donné l'hypothèse selon laquelle les programmes de formation des enseignants sont façonnés, du moins en partie, par les tensions et les différends qui surgissent dans des localités particulières, cette étude fournit un aperçu historique de la relation entre une communauté locale et un programme de formation des enseignants en examinant les liens entre le programme de formation des enseignants de la Saskatoon Normal School et la communauté de Saskatoon dans les années 1930-1950.

Mots clés: histoire de la formation des enseignants; communauté et formation des enseignants

Author Biographies

Lynn Ellen Lemisko, University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Lynn Lemisko is a Professor in the Department of Educational Foundations in the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan. She is co-editor of Educator to Educator: Generative Concepts in Social Studies (Sense, 2015) and she has published articles and chapters based on individual and collaborative investigations into the history of education as intellectual history. Most recently, she has focused on a comparative examination of the history of teacher education in Canada.

Gemma Porter, University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Gemma Porter is a Teacher and Sessional Lecturer in Educational Foundations in the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research interests include citizenship education and social studies education focusing particularly on the conceptions of citizenship and citizenship education in both historical and contemporary contexts.

Kurt Clausen, Nipissing University

Dr. Kurt Clausen is a Professor in the Faculty of Education and chair of Graduate Studies at Nipissing University. His work has been published in such journals as the History Teacher, Religion & Education, Historical Studies in Education, History of Education, Issues in Integrative Studies, the Clearing House and the Canadian Journal of Education. Dr. Clausen’s research interests include examination of the historical development of grade school and teacher education curriculum in Canada, and the contextual analysis of related documents. He is the past president of the Canadian Association of Foundations of Education.




How to Cite

Lemisko, L. E., Porter, G., & Clausen, K. (2021). Community and Teacher Education, Convergence or Divergence? Saskatoon and the Saskatoon Normal School, 1930–1950. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 67(4), 397–420.

