Creativity in Sport: Originality, Transformation, Indeterminacy, and New Concepts in the Arts


  • Yaroslav Senyshyn



For the latter, in particular, it is both a metaphor and parable of creativity through various sports such as boxing, baseball, the high jump, football, the mile run, basketball, figure skating, soccer, swimming, hockey, wrestling, golf, and tennis. [...] Eisenberg accepts the basic notion of Howard Gardiner's theory of multiple intelligences although he extends it to include a public awareness and recognition for a "creative athletic performance as intelligent, as involving the highest functioning of the mind in conjunction with a highly skilled body" (2004a, p. 6). Creativity in Sport (2004a) and Exploring Creativity (2004b) that are able to stimulate discussion of sports and creativity at a higher level than ever before; hi other words, he (along with his co-authors who have been inspired by his ideas on indeterminacy) is able to view sport at the fringes and parameters of art and the ultimate ineffability of indeterminate and transformative acts of creativity through its very own and most creative practitioners.





Review Essay