
  • The cover of The Motley Undergraduate Journal, text reads 2023, Volume 1, Issue 1, ISSN 2817-2051, University of Calgary Department of Communication Media, and Films Studies

    The Motley Undergraduate Journal
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

    The Motley has arrived! Let us welcome it as a peer, a friend, a colleague and a liberator! Why liberator? Because it comes to liberate the best academic work that our undergraduate students do from the obscurity of professors’ drawers and hard drives, and from the secretive passwords of university servers. This issue of The Motley showcases the gems of original analysis and creativity that UCalgary undergraduates produce.

    The Motley is marching into the limelight today in shining colour thanks to the tireless work that numerous champions and supporters performed on the backstage for months. Starting a project like this from scratch takes faith, dedication and perseverance. Now, it is your turn, the Motley’s first readers. The Motley team expects you to do your job diligently and devotedly. Read, view, discuss, criticize! Then come and join us as authors, reviewers and editors - a motley of powers, all in your hands!