Motiver les élèves dans les cours d’éducation physique et à la santé : perceptions des futurs étudiants en enseignement


  • Audrey-Anne de Guise Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
  • Stéphanie Girard
  • Jean Lemoyne
  • Jérémy Deschênes-Gagné


Physical and health education (PSE) teachers report having difficulty supporting student motivation. In order to be able to influence the initial training in such a way as to counter this difficulty, the perceptions of future students in PSE teaching, 51 participants (M = 22.4 years; S-T =. 39) were recruited during  admission tests. They filled out a questionnaire and gave their opinion according to two teaching scenarios. The results showed that their perceptions are quite mixed and that they have an unvaried repertoire of motivational strategies. Initial training should therefore offer opportunities for students to learn how to mobilize strategies to establish an engaging motivational climate in PSE.





Research Study/Recherche