Procedural skills training for Canadian medical students participating in international electives


  • Joseph Margolick McMaster University, Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine
  • David Kanters McMaster Department of Surgery
  • Brian Cameron Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University, McMaster Department of Surgery, McMaster Children's Hospital McMaster Pediatric Research Collaborative



pre-departure training, international medical electives, procedural skills


Background: International medical electives (IMEs) are unique learning opportunities; however, trainees can risk patient safety. Returning medical students often express concern about doing procedures beyond their level of training. The Canadian Federation of Medical Students has developed guidelines for pre-departure training (PDT), which do not address procedural skills. The purpose of this research is to determine which procedural skills to include in future PDT.

Methods: Twenty-six medical students who returned from IMEs completed surveys to assess PDT. Using a Likert scale, we compared procedures performed by students before departing on IME to those performed while abroad. We used a similar scale to assess which procedures students feel ought to be included in future PDT.

Results: There was no significant increase in number of procedures performed while on IME.  Skills deemed most important to include in future PDT were intravenous line insertion, suturing of lacerations, surgical assisting and post-operative wound care.

Conclusions: Pre-departure training is new and lacks instruction in procedural skills. Over half the students rated several procedural skills such as IV line insertion, suturing, assisting in surgery, post operative wound management and foley catheterization as important assets for future PDT.


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Author Biographies

Joseph Margolick, McMaster University, Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine

Joseph is a PGY1 resident in general surgery at University of British Columbia.

David Kanters, McMaster Department of Surgery

David is a research assistant with the McMaster Department of Surgery and McMaster Pediatric Research Collaborative.

Brian Cameron, Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University, McMaster Department of Surgery, McMaster Children's Hospital McMaster Pediatric Research Collaborative

Dr. Brian Cameron is a staff pediatric surgeon at McMaster Children's Hospital and professor in the Department of Surgery. He is also the director of the McMaster International Surgery Desk (ISD) and has worked extensively in Guyana through his involvement in the Canadian Network for International Surgery (CNIS). Dr. Cameron’s research interests include qualitative work in Hirschsprung’s disease, surgical clerkship professionalism, as well as quantitative research in international surgical training and program development.




How to Cite

Margolick J, Kanters D, Cameron B. Procedural skills training for Canadian medical students participating in international electives. Can. Med. Ed. J [Internet]. 2015 Apr. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 3];6(1):e23-e33. Available from:



Original Research